Sunday, February 21, 2010


What will we eat? While we talk about the the practical, professional aspects of our plans for travel the questions in our mind are often about food. (speaking for myself of course). What’s special there? Will I like it? How will I find what’s interesting? All these queries are in my mind as I plan for my first visit to Singapore later this year.

Thanks to a my niece’s blog after her recent visit I can see some of what I may sample during my stay. Curious about the street food and local snacks? Check out Lia’s blog: and you’ll immediately see images to tempt you. . Scroll past the "Cupcakes in Tacoma" post to the January 30 entry and learn what makes peanut butter toast so special.

Want to learn about more about Singapore than its food? Visit for wonderful photos, practical information and fascinating facts. Did you know that the 2008 SingTel Singapore Grand Prix was the first ever night race in Forumla 1 history?

If you have a special place to visit, meal to find, snack you love in Singapore I hope you'll pass along the information. After my visit I'll share what I find. Exploring a new destination - exciting!

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