Sunday, May 13, 2012

Is your country friendly?

As you think about all the places you’ve visited, lived in, worked in, which one would you consider the friendliest, the most welcoming? 

I recently came across two surveys that asked business people around the world that question.   The answer?  New Zealand.  Two surveys.  One answer.

At the end of 2011 AFAR magazine reported ( the rankings of a World Economic Forum survey that asked business leaders in 139 countries “How welcome are foreign visitors in your country?  New Zealand was voted Most Welcoming followed by Iceland and Lebanon.  The US came in near the bottom at 101.

Earlier this year Forbes magazine reported the results of the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey that touched the same issue. .  They asked expats how easy it was to build friendships with locals, learn the language and integrate into the community.  Once again New Zealand was #1 this time followed by Australia and South Africa.  Which countries came in last?  Saudi Arabia, Russia and India.

Congratulations New Zealand! 

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