Sunday, January 27, 2013

Where Will I Shop?

Wondering where retailers are going to expand next?  To see what the next  hot spots might be consult The Global Retail Development Index created by AT Kearney,  ( the global consulting firm.

The report, started in 2002,  looks at macroeconomic trends as well as data that is especially important to retailers. It identifies and ranks the 30 developing countries that show the most potential for retail growth.

The top ten potential markets for 2012 include some familiar names (China, India, Brazil) and some not usually on the list of retail hot spots:  Georgia, at #6, Oman #8, and Mongolia #9.   These three countries were not even on the list last year.   It would be interesting to examine the numbers and discover what changed,  what is happening to move them into the top 10.

Skipping ahead on the list -  we find Botswana (also designated the Best New Market – Long Term Growth Potential ) at # 20.  Last on the list #30 was Tunisia.   In between there were countries from around the world.  Whether we are retailers or not this list is reminder that business opportunities occur in places that we might not expect.  Let’s see what country will make its first appearance on the list in 2013.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

What Should I Eat?

In January we are confronted with endless lists.  Ones that look back at the year just ended:  the top books, movies, news images, restaurants and more.  
Others look forward:  Go to the gym more, eat more veggies, less sugar, turn off email at least once a week, call our friends.   Familiar markers of the change of the calendar.

Today I came upon a new (to me) look at this year. A Food Horoscope. ( )Written by Rebecca Gordon a Manhattan-based astrologer, it is posted on the (  Ms. Gordon combines predictions for each of the astrological signs along with advice about what to eat.  Is Acquarius your sign?  Try toasted hazelnut salad.  Scorpio? Red lentils and kale with miso.    

Take a look and see if your favorite food is one of her recommendations for your sign.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

One Billion Travelers

We read that flights are crowded, travel is increasingly stressful and complicated.  We search for travel tips to reduce the stress.  You’d think people might reduce their travel to avoid the bother.  But that’s not happening. 

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) 2012 was a record year for tourism.  One billion people (about 15% of the worlds population) traveled across borders, left their home country and went to another one accounting for 6% of world trade.   While most of the travel was for pleasure, 15% of these travelers went for business.  For more details see the UNWTO website: 

When the UNWTO asked the public to submit their tips for travel the top two recommendations were:  Shop Local and Respect Local Culture (learn some of the local history and language).    A billion people represent a billion opportunities for people to connect.  As we plan our trips for 2013 I wonder, what will we discover and will we set a new record?