Having just
returned from five weeks of travel with what seemed like endless hours spent
standing in lines (airports, taxi lines, entrances to museums and more) I’ve had lots of experience with the shape
and space of lines. I hadn’t thought
much of it until I read Lisa Condle’s post about living in Italy and comments
about Personal Space. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-condie/travel-to-italy_b_5598662.html?1406287880
I suddenly
had a vision of the lines I’d spent time in.
Not the nice long neat, one-by-one, at least 12 inches apart lines you’d
find in a bank in Los Angeles. Rather a
floating, changing straggle of people generally headed in the same direction
almost touching each other that I recently experienced. Too many people, too close. Where’s my place, your place?
How we
define the appropriate space, the personal bubble that we want around us isn’t
something we often consider until someone gets too close or is too far away. A bother we might think but it’s more than
that. It’s an essential component of how
we communicate.
Edward T.
Hall, the cultural anthropologist was one of the first to study and write about
this area formally called Poxemics. He
identified personal space as a form of non-verbal communication. For a more in depth look at the topic, based
on Mr. Hall’s work, read through Martin Tolley’s article “The Psychology of
Personal Space.” http://martintolley.com/environment/PersSpaceEnvPsy7.html
The next time you're standing in line take a minute and as yourself. How does you feel?